The Big Grey, The First Digest of the 2020 Presidential election

Aar Jae Williams’s Word
3 min readNov 4, 2020


Wednesday 4th November, 2020 BY Aaron Williams

political satirist cartoon sketch inspired by the simpsons meme

The Skethc done by myself on reflection of this turbelant election. want to depict and visualise the campagin that preceeded it reflecting the racaus lively, shouty snd heated first debate. Saw Biden and Trump go head to head. A battle like no othe one old whir cis gendered male against another both older thyan prefiosu presidents Clinton and Obsma. Taking inspiration fom the classic Simpsons meme reported in their fictionsl news paper old man angry at old man. Seems all to like the current battle. referenced Biden’s infamous quote and soundbite from the debate after lost tempered with a pressing Trump quoted in speech bubble “Will You Shut Up, Man!” Instructing Trump. Thinking what Trump could've said I creatively, created the line of what would be an infurriated but quick remark from thr president “Go Back To Bed, Sleepy Joe” inspired by Trumsp branding of his oppositions

Digesting, Williams Word on The Election. The First Digest

The Election, writing in an quite monumental historical time in ameican history from the words of a brit. The American election like no ohter has the world watching as mere spectators. To ignore the pomp and ceremony of the drama of American democracy

Waking up this morning the morning after election day. Not to my suprise but much of the pollsters surprise yet again something truely remarkable. The Big Grey. A period of uncertainty. Normally, when wake up in britain in the morning around breakfast time we would have a sign of who is set to take to the White House in January. This a much difference scenario not even the one the pollsters thought would be the most likely?

Can we even trust pollsters anymore? what we could see as what the words of the media could say there isn't a landslide majority for Biden that the democrats were counting on. When Biden spoke he made clear its still not over, he wont concede and there is no winner until all votes count. Trying to thwart any unlawful and undemocratic attempts from the Trump campagin to claim victory before all voters are counted. Trump said this is much a matter for the supreme courts and trying to claim early victories and expressing anger as voting continued.

If voter counters stopped counting votes it would be an act of voter suppression and leaving many voters who casted their votes by mail in postal ballots voices unheard. If this was another nation America would rightly claim that it is a coup by the nations government in dictator like fashion. Proving the extent of Trumps entitlement.

On reflecting of what might be who Biden in the early states announced Texas, Florida who went for Trump. Some of the errors Biden campagin made were being far to critical of trumpian voters potentially putting of supporters at the 2016 election from switching to Biden. Whilst, the Biden’s campaing was largely realistic about the future of America faces the harsh economic challenges faces by the current crisis. To some Biden’s campaign may have needed air with more hope and optimism.

This election whilst it seems that Biden is to take the White House with announced victory possible in hours, days hopefully not weeks. The lack of the landslide predicted by the pollsters means whilst Trump may be rquired to move his things out of the White House. In a defeat who knows how he’ll take it. Will be a harsh reality of someone who has things always land Trump side up, Who knows what one of the worlds most entitled figures will react at a loss. This election has proved there is still in a Trump crowd and rhe lands of Trump supporting voters the trumpian populist hard right politics that wont go away at the change of the president.

Never the less, wathcing it unfold like much of American politics its sensational drama. Will we soon see the buzz of American politics calm down. But untill then watch and wait



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